Jissen Kobudo Fundamentals (Jinenkan Bujutsu & Ninjutsu)
Jissen Kobudo Fundamentals (Jinenkan Bujutsu & Ninjutsu)
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Taijutsu Fundamentals on DVD, taught at the Jinenkan Yasuragi Dojo in New York.
These films were authorized by Manaka Unsui Sensei and made available to Yasuragi Dojo students as well as students of head teacher Adam Mitchell.
Each DVD contains over an hour of teaching.
The key exercises taught at the Jinenkan Yasuragi Dojo to prepare pupils for powerful striking technique are included in DVD 1 VOLUME I DAKEN.
This educational and well recorded DVD discusses striking accuracy tactics, conditioning strategies, and exercises to assist the pupil become very effective at striking and receiving.
Each method is described in great depth, including high-quality narration, several viewpoints of the technique, and slow motion replays.
Posture, conditioning, striking fundamentals, blocking basics, kicking and receiving kicks, and conventional training routines are all covered.
Adam Mitchell, Dojo Cho of the Jinenkan Yasuragi Dojo in New York, professionally mastered and produced DVD 2 VOLUME II TORITE, the second of four DVD sets.
This volume will teach students to the escape, counter, and come-along tactics.
Volume II is a fast-paced DVD that provides an overwhelming amount of precise, step-by-step material for stand-up grappling and reversal techniques.
Each method is described in great depth, including high-quality narration, several viewpoints of the technique, and slow motion replays.
Traditional training patterns, grip breaks, body choke breaks, and a demonstration of how these techniques are used in classical forms are among the topics covered.
DVD 3 Volume III KUMITE is required viewing for all Dojo students.
There are few instructional films available that provide the degree of depth given here.
Students are exposed to the proper ways of accepting takedowns, escaping and countering strikes using break-fall and rolling in Volume III.
The typical Ninpo Taijutsu body actions, such as jumping in all directions, rolling in and out of rolls, and diving, will next be discussed.
As a student prepares to rank up to the Shodan level, they will be guided through the different throwing, takedown, and reversal routines taught at Jinenkan Yasuragi Dojo.
DVD 4 VOLUME IV SHIMETE is an absolute must-have! Manaka Unsui Sensei gave a session on Newaza in Ossining, New York in 2002.
With so much knowledge presented by Sensei, his final lesson was to learn the kihon (basics) on the ground as you would standing.
For the past five years, we have followed Sensei’s instructions on Volume IV, and this film is a collection of hundreds of training hours on the ground.
While this is not a film that reveals Jinenkan ranking criteria or curriculum, it does demonstrate ways for training the body to move on the ground, rolling, fundamental reversals, and an expression of the Kihon Happo trained from the conventional guard stance.
This information has never been given in such a succinct and instructive manner before.
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