Marika Johansson Cinderella Story
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Archive : Marika Johansson Cinderella Story Digital Download
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This fantastic DVD mixes Marika’s tale with a training seminar by Dorian [Yates] and an inside peek at the present bodybuilding world. I wholeheartedly endorse it.” FLEX Magazine Senior Writer Greg Merrit
The film you are going to see is an intimate journey with a gorgeous and brave Swedish athlete who found her destiny in the bodybuilding Mecca of Venice, California. Her trip is joined by six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates, who puts his training zeal into embracing Marika’s situation.
Joel Barham, the director who also shot Mark Dugdale’s “Driven,” creates another masterpiece that grabs and encourages the audience while watching a professional bodybuilder in its natural environment. Bob Cicherillo, Gunter Schlierkamp, Lenda Murray, Branch Warren, Timea Majorova, Will Harris, Mike Ergas, and many more bodybuilding champions join the cast.
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